Configuring Payment Gateways Print

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Payment gateway modules allow you to accept payments of many types directly within WHMCS.

You can access this feature at Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways.


Activating a Payment Gateway

To activate a new payment gateway:

  1. Find the payment gateway:
    • In WHMCS 8.6 and later, go to Configuration () > Apps & Integrations.
    • In WHMCS 8.0 to 8.6, go to Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways.
    • In WHMCS 7.10 and earlier, go to Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways.
  2. Click Activate.
  3. Configure the payment gateway (see below).

Setting Up Gateway Modules


Each gateway has its own specific requirements in order to process transactions, which vary from gateway to gateway. However, all gateways have three core options:

  • Show on Order Form — Whether to display the payment gateway on the order form and client area, subject to product group gateway restrictions. Also controls adding new payment details via the Admin Area for merchant gateways.
  • Display Name — The gateway's name throughout the system and to clients (for example, an gateway could use the visible name Credit Card).
  • Convert To For Processing — When using multiple gateways, some gateways may not accept all the currencies you offer on your site. For those that don’t, you can choose a currency here for WHMCS to convert to before sending to them.
    • For example, if using Google Checkout with a UK account but offering prices in GBP and USD, you would need to select GBP for Convert To. This will use the rates in Configuration () > System Settings > Currencies or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Currencies, to do the conversion. You can set this to auto-update daily.


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